Fr Edward Baretto
A two-day Pastoral Literature Translation Workshop was held at Divya Vani Pastoral Centre, Darjeeling on 10-11 September 2024 for translators of Darjeeling-Sikkim and Nepal. Twelve participants including resource persons – 5 from Nepal and 7 from Darjeeling-Sikkim attended. Bishop Stephen Lepcha of Darjeeling too attended a few sessions. Fr. Robin Rai, Fr. Justin Lepcha, Fr. Lalit Tudu, Mr. Pekoe Moktan and Mr. Arjun Tamang came from Nepal while Fr. Frederick Lepcha, Fr. Roger Ethan Lepcha, Fr. Edward Baretto, Mr. Cecil Mukhia, Mr. Denis Lepcha, Mr. Mahendra Gurung and Miss Prasansha Rai represented Darjeeling and Sikkim. Fr. Edward Baretto, Fr. Robin Rai and Mr. Arjun Tamang conducted the sessions.

This workshop was an extension and fruit of the workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand under the aegis of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference, Office of Social Communication (FABC-OSC) and organized by its executive secretary Fr. George Plathottam, SDB in June 2024. It was the dream and vision of Fr. George to have Pastoral Literature Translation teams for all the major languages of Asia so that the major pastoral literature of the Church gets disseminated among all Christ’s faithful. All the sessions were interactive and lively.
In the evaluation held at the end of the workshop, Bishop Stephen expressed his gratitude to Fr. George Plathottam, SDB for his great initiative because of which this workshop was possible. He also thanked Bishop Paul Simick of Nepal Vicariate and the delegates for collaborating with Darjeeling in these matters. The participants – though most of whom are veterans of many a translation – expressed their satisfaction at having attended this seminar as it opened their eyes to many scientific tools and skills of translating. They showed their eagerness and enthusiasm for translating Church documents for the Nepali speaking people all over the world. They said that this was a special call from God for a ministry which not many can do. They felt that this was a good beginning and that we must move forward working tirelessly for the Church.

Even though Bible translation does not come under the purview of Pastoral Literature, members felt that priority must be given to publishing the full Nepali Bible as early as possible. The Nepal delegates said that typing has already been done by them. However, since it requires Bible scholars to check it, Fr. Arun Francis Tamang would be given the draft for corrections. Members also felt that the translation team could help Fr. Arun in whatever way possible if he asks for it.
As the Holy Father has urged the faithful to read and assimilate the four documents of Vatican II on the occasion of Jubilee 2025, it was decided that these four documents would be translated into Nepali and published by Christmas 2024. Fr. Justin Lepcha was given the responsibility of translating Sacrosanctum Concilium, Mr. Cecil Mukhia was given Dei Verbum and Mr. Mahendra Gurung Gaudium et Spes. Lumen Gentium has already been translated.
The team also decided to undertake the translation of Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) part by part. Fr. Edward Baretto was asked to distribute the work among members of the translation team. Preparing a Nepali glossary of religious terms, translating the Lives of Saints and social teachings of the Church were also put in the pipeline.
The next meeting of the translation team will be held in Damak, Nepal on 15 November 2024.